Business as a Spiritual Path Workshop for Women

2024 Dates TBA
Dove Creek Ranch in Canyon, TX

An all-inclusive workshop for business leaders that will amplify your God-given human powers by restoring and mastering the physical body, balancing and mastering the mind, and connecting to spirit using an integration of ancient practices.

If you are like me, you have been hearing the whispers of Great Spirit that it is time to step into a new way of being. The last several years have woken us up to HER power and there is no denying our part.

It is time to step out and show up in our work to propel humanity and this planet both as an enlightened Being and through soul-aligned Business.

As leaders on this planet, we are being asked to be an example of a new way – an aligned way with Source, an authentic way with our Soul Family, and a way that uses all of our Human Being as a powerful vessel for change.

This All-Inclusive Workshop Is for You If…

  • You know deep down in your heart that there is a way to build a business and create a life that sings to your heart and soul and doesn’t feel like a chore.
  • You have been doing business one way and you long to evolve your way of business based on the whispers from your total Being.
  • You’re ready to leverage the Quantum Field using your mind, body and spirit to increase your effect, impact and abundance and to magnetize your ideal soul clients to you so that you are never in a dry spell again.
  • You’re sick and tired of doing campaigns, webinars and other tactics that don’t align with your ideal work/life balance and are ready to create a supportive and abundant business system that is an extension of your Human Being.
  • You have been working solo or with coaches and mentors and have been doing “all of the things” and haven’t seen your optimal results.
  • You’re ready to cut through the saturated market and call-in your soul-mate clients using multi-dimensional methods that align with your mission.

Sister, I have some good news for you it is now time to leverage the energies upon us, all of the internal work you’ve been doing, and harness your soul gifts in a way that will propel you, your family and your community. 

If you are truly ready to break free from the old business paradigm and build an abundant business that propels your Spirit…then keep reading…

Business as a Spiritual Path Workshop
has been designed to help you:

  • CREATE a new vision for your business to serve the new world in a way that honors your expertise and Soul calling.
  • HARNESS your feminine power and weave that into your business tasks, services, systems and structure
  • ACTIVATE the connection between your mind, body and spirit to truly amplify your results with ease and grace.
  • LEVERAGE the Quantum Field to increase your effect, impact and abundance and to magnetize your ideal soul clients to you so that you are never in a dry spell again.
  • DESIGN products and systems that support you in ultimate abundance and are completely aligned with you and your way of Being.
  • BIRTH your abundance model including passive and active income streams that will bend time and activate financial wealth by tapping into your field of abundance – giving you time, joy and results.
  • SURROUND yourself with like-minded community who are focusing their energy on creating wealth in their lives resulting in a powerful matrix of abundance that will raise all angels.

Limited to 20 people in order to hold a powerful matrix to facilitate transformation. 

When: 2024 Dates TBA
Where: Dove Creek Ranch in Canyon, TX
Joella Diamond Heart and Laurie Higgins-Kerley

Workshop Features:

  • ALL-INCLUSIVE 4-DAY WORKSHOP: Serving organic meals with beautiful rooms to rest on-site at the gorgeous Dove Creek Ranch and Equine Rescue. 
  • MORNING PRACTICES: Profound ways to harness your energy and attune your mind, body and spirit that will empower you into the new world paradigm.
  • HORSE HEALING SESSIONS: To help you clear old patterns and encode and embody a new way of working that will propel your Spirit.
  • POWERFUL CEREMONIES: To help you identify and clear non-productive imprints, clarify and call out to your soulmate client, and connect with your abundance formula.
  • THE ABUNDANCE FORMULA: Unlock and outline your unique abundance formula that maximizes every hour of your working day and amplifies your impact on your clients.
  • CO-CREATE WITH AN EMPOWERED COMMUNITY: Experience the power of an empowered women’s circle, guided with heart and humility to truly breakthrough to your next level with genuine reflection and loving support.


Your Investment:
Pay In-Full: $1,999

Limited to 20 people in order to hold a powerful matrix to facilitate transformation.
This will sell out, so secure your spot early.

Meet… Joella Diamond Heart

Your Business Transformational Coach and Intuitive Guide

Joella Autorino is a business coach and consultant that has helped launch more than 200 businesses, products and services, including 9 of her own, generating more than $1.8 billion in collective revenue. In addition, she has helped her clients secure funding to help their businesses grow and has participated in fundraising more than $52 million to date. Working with entrepreneurs for more than 20 years, she has helped every one of her clients achieve their desired business outcome while building a career focused on work-life balance.

As an apprentice on the medicine path, yogi, martial artist, intuitive healer and empowerment coach she harnesses her experiences and expertise to embolden her clients with practical tools that propel them in their personal and business mastery.

Her programs are designed to support people in recognizing their innate potential and the power of their past experiences so that they build a business that is aligned with their purpose and passion while supporting an ideal work-life balance and a calm state of being.

“My life has brought me to this place where I combine my expertise using a unique blend of exceptional marketing, business and sales strategy with profound integrity, deep soul healing, martial arts and the universal chi to create transformational results for my clients both on a personal and professional level. It is my desire to help people reconnect to their full potential as human beings – and our life’s work is a map to help us get there.”

Meet… Laurie Higgins-Kerley

CEO, Medicine Woman, and Equine Horse Healing Facilitator

Laurie Higgins-Kerley has been on a path of holistic healing and study since 2000. Her training includes shamanic healing ways and ceremonies centered around the medicine wheel or sacred hoop, spiritual activation and ascension techniques from the Dolphin Star Temple, kundalini yoga, and equine facilitated learning and coaching. Inspired by her own healing with horses after the loss of her husband in 2008, Laurie founded the non-profit organization, Dove Creek Equine Rescue in 2012, where they rescue, rehabilitate, retrain, and rehome horses who have been abused, neglected, or surrendered.

Seeing the profound effect horses had on the staff and volunteers in their journey back to health, Laurie wanted to create a program focusing on the healing partnership between horses and humans.

She graduated from Kathy Pike’s Academy of Coaching with Horses EFLC certification program in April 2017 and joyfully integrates her paths of healing with this powerful heart centered approach. Laurie has facilitated, hosted, and led workshops on these healing ways as well as co-led drumming circles for more than 20 years.

“My paths of study have helped me to embrace the ambiguous paradoxes of Life with a much stronger faith in the Infinite Power we all possess – as well as knowing in my bones we all have a path with purpose and meaning. It is my desire to share the power of the Horse and these ancient healing ways with others who want to walk this walk with me.”

What’s Included

  • All-inclusive 4-day workshop serving organic meals
  • Beautiful overnight accommodations at the Ranch
  • Powerful Ceremonies, Activations and Teachings
  • Group Healing Sessions with the Horses
  • Incredible Community of Like-Minded Women
  • Resources to Propel your Life’s Work

Total Value: $3333

Limited to 20 people in order to hold a powerful matrix to facilitate transformation.
This will sell out, so secure your spot early.


Joella Helped Me Clarify My Dream Life Powered By My Business

“At some level, I always knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur. I worked in the corporate world for years, but from the very beginning just knew the lifestyle wasn’t for me. I had all kinds of ideas for starting a business but never knew how to develop them into something that would sustain me financially. When I finally had the courage to leave the corporate world and go out on my own, I ended up working twice as many hours while bringing in only 50% of what I was making as an employee. For a long time, I tried to figure things out on my own. I told myself it was too risky to invest in a business coach. The truth is, I was scattered and afraid that I wouldn’t be successful. Finally, I decided enough was enough. I truly wanted financial freedom and I knew I needed someone with the experience and expertise to guide me there. That’s when I found Joella. She helped me clarify my value to the world and craft a business plan that would empower me to create the business and life balance I so desired.”
— Cynthia 

Helped Me Turn The Terrifying and Nebulous Into The Achievable

“Joella has been so helpful and inspiring to me this last year, getting me out of the rut I was stuck in and helping me to pursue and embrace better things. She walked me through simple processes step by step to help me clarify what I wanted next for my business, and how to reach it. She turned the terrifying and nebulous into the straightforward and achievable. I’m excited about the future! I really can’t thank her enough.”
— Idria

From Four Years of Struggling To High-Functioning

“I was a struggling entrepreneur for four years before I met Joella. When we first started working together I started to see how my beliefs around money, life, and being independently wealthy were actually in the way of my success! She helped me shift my mindset, which was the turning point for me as an entrepreneur. How could anyone else believe in me if I didn’t believe in myself? After working with her, I am happy to say that I now spend less time working in my business while enjoying a steady flow of monthly revenue. Joella has helped me break free from my old debilitating thoughts and patterns so that I can step into a high-functioning business and the dream life I knew I deserved. I am forever grateful.”
— Leigha

I Now Have The Energy and Time To Focus On Growth and Not Be A Slave

“When I started my business, I had a big vision for who I wanted to serve and how I wanted to make life better for my customers, my staff, and my family. As the business grew, the work mounted, and I was constantly dealing with challenges. Most of my energy was going into repetitive tasks and handling personnel issues. I was exhausted and losing focus. I was spending way too much time working in my business and not enough time on my business. This depleted me creatively, and my business hit a wall. From the moment I began working with Joella, things began to change. She helped me reconnect with my passion and purpose, and we created a strategic plan to automate processes and get procedures in place for training staff and keeping them on task. This freed up so much of my time, and I now have the energy to focus on growth and evolution for my business.”
— Michael